Amanda Soder
How do I pay for the certificates appearing in my account?
Animal owners and/or MyVetLink users do not pay GlobalVetLink directly for certificates.Please reach out to the issuing veterinarian or clinic to make a payment or reconcile any outstanding invoice...
Looking for an EIA or coggins?
Some common typos of the search term "coggins" include: Cogins Coffins Coggines Coggina Coggions Please refer to one of these relevant articles to help you locate your certificate. How do I acces...
Which Official IDs are Accepted for an EECVI?
Each participating state determines the Official ID type(s) they accept. The most widely accepted Official ID type(s) are Microchip or Photo EIA (GVL coggins or a paper form with physical photos of...
What states are participating in the EECVI program?
The states that are currently participating in the EECVI program include: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland,...
Can my vet use GlobalVetLink to issue certificates related to importing my pet into the US?
No. GlobalVetLink does not offer import health certificates to veterinarians at this time.
Can I get a blank certificate from GlobalVetLink to bring to my vet?
No. GlobalVetLink is an online solution for veterinarians to issue certificates. If your vet clinic is not a current GVL customer and are interested in signing up, they can reach out to our sales t...
MyVetLink Owner Account Sign Up Instructions
1. Go Click the "SIGN UP FOR MYVETLINK" button.3. Select your account type: - If you are an Owner needing to access documents for your owned animals only, select Animal Owner as...
MyVetLink Agent Account Sign Up Instructions
Before you can be linked to any animals, you must must create an agent account. To sign up for an account:. Go to Click "Sign Up for MyVetLink". At the top of the...
EECVI Movement Permit Instructions - Equine Owner
1. When your veterinarian has completed your EECVI, you will receive an email from 2. To begin creating a movement permit, click Create Permit in the email or login ...
Agent Account Overview
Agent accounts are for those who need access to documents for animal that they do not own. For example, trainers, boarding facilities, or animal transporters can utilize MVL agent accounts. How...