Amanda Soder
What does HDMP stand for?
HDMP stands for Health Declaration & Movement Permit. Health Declaration & Movement Permit, acquired by owners when they input movement details into their MyVetLink accounts, serves as the EECVI (E...
Why is My Printed PDF Certificate Missing Information?
To ensure all signatures and lab test results (applicable to EIAs) appear on your documents, use a supported browser such as Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge in addition to using the latest versi...
MyVetLink Training Videos
View all of the MyVetLink training videos here.
What is an EECVI?
An EECVI is an Extended Equine Certificate of Veterinary Inspection.GlobalVetLink developed EECVIs to support the states that offer six-month health certificates with a digital solution. State part...
I am looking to travel with my horse, what do I need?
Check out animalregs.com for all the latest travel requirements for equine to domestic destinations!For specific entry requirements to shows/rodeos/races/exhibitions, please refer to the individual...
Can agents apply and use the EECVI and HDMPs, or does it have to be the owner?
At this time, EECVIs are only available for owners of the animal.The owner will need to apply for the EECVI and create permits within their MyVetLink accounts. Agents or trainers will not be able t...
I am looking for my animals' vaccination records and medical history. Where can I find these?
At this time, your MyVetLink account may only include Rabies certificates if issued by your vet clinic using GlobalVetLink.You will need to contact your veterinarian for any other medical records, ...
I am expecting a certificate but I do not see it. What should I do?
If you see animals in your account but no coordinating certificate, your veterinarian may be in the process of creating that document for you. Certificates will be immediately available for viewin...
How do I update the email associated with my account?
This process requires two steps to ensure you keep access to all of your documents:1.Contact your veterinary clinic and request that they update your contact email in their GlobalVetLink account. ...
How do I update the name/address/phone number on my documents?
The information in your MyVetLink account and on your certificates comes directly from your veterinary clinic. You must contact your veterinary clinic if any changes or updates need to be mad...