Amanda Soder
Activity overview
Latest activity by Amanda Soder-
Amanda Soder created an article, Looking for an EIA or coggins?
Some common typos of the search term "coggins" include: Cogins Coffins Coggines Coggina Coggions Please refer to one of these relevant articles to help you locate your certificate. How do I acces...
Amanda Soder created an article, How do I pay for the certificates appearing in my account?
Animal owners and/or MyVetLink users do not pay GlobalVetLink directly for certificates.Please reach out to the issuing veterinarian or clinic to make a payment or reconcile any outstanding invoice...
Amanda Soder created an article, Can my vet use GlobalVetLink to issue certificates related to importing my pet into the US?
No. GlobalVetLink does not offer import health certificates to veterinarians at this time.
Amanda Soder created an article, Can I get a blank certificate from GlobalVetLink to bring to my vet?
No. GlobalVetLink is an online solution for veterinarians to issue certificates. If your vet clinic is not a current GVL customer and are interested in signing up, they can reach out to our sales t...
Amanda Soder created an article, What does HDMP stand for?
HDMP stands for Health Declaration & Movement Permit. Health Declaration & Movement Permit, acquired by owners when they input movement details into their MyVetLink accounts, serves as the EECVI (E...
Amanda Soder created an article, Why is My Printed PDF Certificate Missing Information?
To ensure all signatures and lab test results (applicable to EIAs) appear on your documents, use a supported browser such as Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge in addition to using the latest versi...
Amanda Soder created an article, Which Official IDs are Accepted for an EECVI?
Each participating state determines the Official ID type(s) they accept. The most widely accepted Official ID type(s) are Microchip or Photo EIA (GVL coggins or a paper form with physical photos of...
Amanda Soder created an article, EECVI Reminders For Equine Owners
Link: https://www.globalvetlink.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/EECVI-Reminders-for-Equine-Owners.pdf
Amanda Soder created an article, What is the difference between an Agent and Owner MyVetLink account?
Owner MyVetLink AccountOwner accounts are best for those who only need access to animals listed under their ownership. Owners gain access to certificates once their vet clinic adds their emai...
Amanda Soder created an article, I am looking for my animals' vaccination records and medical history. Where can I find these?
At this time, your MyVetLink account may only include Rabies certificates if issued by your vet clinic using GlobalVetLink.You will need to contact your veterinarian for any other medical records, ...